Coping with stress, anxiety, hyperventilation and burn-out through heart and breath. Melinda Wezenaar through Kardiatma organises workshops and coaching in Heart Coherence - biofeedback in Brussels, Belgium. With a specific focus breathing, we induce the state of heart coherence. A simple, accessible, measurable and scientifically proven method. Widely adopted for stress & burn-out prevention/management, and resilience.
Do you want to cope better with stress and regain balance and vital energy?
Breathe - align heart and breath
Kardiatma accompanies you on your way to inner peace and resilience
Melinda Wezenaar - Kardiatma
Group facilitator - coach burnout and heart coherence
Av. P. Deschanel 19-2 - 1030 Bruxelles
GSM: +32 (0) 485 48 85 28
You wish more information? You wish to request a price offer for your organisation? You wish to make an appointment ?
I will be happy to listen and respond.